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.. Episode Guide - Episode 59 ..

Original Name: Mojo Rising
Czech Name: Ve znamení woodoo
Written By: Frank Siracusa
Directed By: Bruce Pitman
Original Air Date: October 28, 1998 (Canada); Week of April 20-26, 1998 (USA); November 2, 1998 (Australia); June 24, 1998 (South Africa); June 14, 1998 (Switzerland)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Fraser and Stan rescue a stranger who's running from two gunmen. While the cops and the gunmen are in a standoff, the man steals Stan's car and escapes. The gunmen turn out to be Federal agents from the Bureau of Naturalization and Immigration, who want Gerome Laferette on a charge of attempted murder. Stan wants to find Gerome to get his car back. Gerome is a respected member of the Haitian immigrant community and a priest in the Vodun religion. He's always co-operated with the Feds, then, for seemingly no reason, he led them into a trap which they barely escaped.

Fraser and Stan begin an investigation that takes them into the heart of the voodoo community in Chicago. No one wants to co-operate with the police, but Fraser finds a clue that leads them to a secret "nine night" voodoo ceremony, where they capture Gerome. Dief is completely taken with Gerome and refuses to leave his side. Shortly after his arrest, Gerome is found dead in the lock-up, and his body is taken to the morgue. Things get really strange when his body disappears. Dief is also missing. Fraser suspects Gerome used drugs or meditation techniques to suppress his vital signs. Others suspect he's become a zombie.

Mama Lolla, a voodoo practitioner, curses the police station, and all sorts of things start to go wrong. Accidents increase, the electrical system short circuits and light bulbs burst all over the building. Deciding to fight back, Francesca does a little research and collects some anti-curse paraphernalia.

Fraser and Stan visit Gerome's wife and realize his daughter is missing. Someone has kidnapped Gerome's daughter to gain a hold over him. Fraser wins Mama Lolla's trust, and she introduces him to the drumming and chanting of voodoo ceremonies. Fraser and Stan discover that an unscrupulous sweatshop owner is using voodoo to exploit illegal immigrants. Finding Gerome and rescuing his daughter becomes a combination of police work and a struggle between good and bad magic.

<<< Episode 58 - Miláček žen (The Ladies' Man)
Episode 60 - Fraser zpívá blues (Mountie Sings The Blues) >>>


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