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.. Scénář - 13. epizoda - Oko za oko (An Eye For An Eye) ..

Stegs: Give me the money. The money. Come on. This all you got?

Colling: Take what you want. Just leave me alone.

Stegs: Keep your head down. You understand? Keep it down.

[in Riv]

Ray: Okay, safety on the street is common sense. You must ask yourself ... what? what? You must ask yourself what?

Fraser: You must ask yourself 'Is it safe to walk in my neighborhood in the day or night.

Ray: This neighborhood? Of course it's not safe. It's a slum. What kind of bozo comes up with a safety tip like that.

Fraser: The Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel on the Safety of Senior citizens.

Ray: Yeah a bunch of do gooders sitting around solving other peoples problems, sipping on cappuccinos.

Ray: I'm dead Fraser, these people are gonna eat me alive.

Fraser: They don't seem particularly threatening Ray.

Ray: Old people just make me nervous.

Fraser: Well you know the age-ed are just like people too. Only they're older.

Ray: In the last five weeks six of their neighbors have been beaten and robbed. Nobody can I.D. the guy. We got no leads and division sends me down here to reassure them? They're gonna rip me limb from limb. Hey maybe I get to use my night stick.

Fraser: Ray.

Ray: Okay, okay.

Fraser: Diefenbaker, now don't be selfish. I've told you taking an hour out of your day to visit with the elderly can be as rewarding an experience for you as it is for them. Come on. When was the last time I asked you to do a good turn.

Dief: Whine.

Fraser: No-no-no-no that was different. Those were orphans and that taffy pull was for charity. Well I shaved it out of your hair didn't I? It's hopeless.

[community center]

Ray: Step six: How can I prevent myself from becoming a victim.

Colling: Dead bolts.

Ray: Dead bolts. That's correct. Uh, purchase a strong dead bolt lock and be sure to keep it fastened at all times.

Collling: I got a dead bolt. It doesn't help when the door jam is rotting.

Ray: Yes and uh windows. Make sure the windows are fastened with key lock mechanisms and that bars are installed on all the lower levels.

Lady: Yeah. Tell that to my landlord. And while you're at it, tell him to put in a hot water heater.

Ray: Yes sir, we would appreciate your plumbing problems but that's not what I'm here for.

Daughter: Then what are you here for? You sure didn't do nothing when that animal attacked my mother. I want to know what you people are gonna do!

Ray: Hey Benny.

Fraser: It's an honest question Ray.

Ray: Well I realize that Fraser but the division doesn't want me to answer it. They only want me to talk about dead bolts and window bars.

Fraser: Well perhaps these people don't consider that to be a realistic solution.

Daughter: Damn right it isn't.

[to Fraser] Ray: You keep your voice down. [then] Yes, uh, when on the street what is the best method of personal protection? Anyone? Anyone?

Fraser: A positive attitude. I'm merely suggesting Ray that one shouldn't allow fear to dictate ones actions. Oh and traveling in a group is good deterrent and it can provide some pleasant companionship.

Ray: Fraser these people aren't going lawn bowling. They're trying to survive in an urban hall hole.

Fraser: Well they can try to survive in it alone Ray or they can meet the challenge. But that's up to them.

Lady: It's easy for you to say.

Fraser: Well yes, perhaps it is. I haven't lived in this neighborhood as long as you have. Where I come from the challenges are quite different. There are no drug dealer or pimps. Few thieves to bother with. There's only the environment and surviving in the face of it is the challenge of the Inuit. A mother gives birth somewhere out on a glacier field. Hundreds of miles from the nearest outpost. And she knows the odds are stacked against her son even living to see the spring. Disease or the lack of food, the elements . . . And even if he should survive and grow to be a boy she knows very well that all he has to do is lose his footing on the smooth surface of a glacier and that will be that. In other words, she knows that her son cannot live. So why should she try? Well, I know this woman. I helped deliver her son. She was weak and undernourished but the next morning she stood up and she picked her child up in her arms and, and she set out again into the blinding snow and I think . . . I think that was the single most courageous act I've ever seen.


Ray: This is what's wrong with you Fraser. You see a problem and you gotta fix it. You can't even go to the men's room without stopping and telling some simple stupid charmingly witty Inuit story that inspires people to take on the worlds social ills.

Fraser: Well I'm sorry Ray but I fail to see how a small group of people banding together to from a neighborhood watch constitues a form of political anarchy.

Ray: Well at least this morning they had the good sense to be scared. Now there's probably hordes of them wandering the streets doing God knows what.

Fraser: Ray, that's just silly.

Ray: Remember it's on your head. If one of those old people so much as slip putting up a poster on that ice, just remember, you're the one they voted block captain.

Fraser: I'll remember that. Oh - what exactly is a block captain?


Elaine: You'll be needing these. We ordered them the last time someone tried to do a watch in this neighborhood. The guy got shot before he could get them out of the box. [opens the box] So far so good.

[Fraser sitting at a table passing out vests and whistles]

Fraser: Thank you Mrs. Fisher and Mr. Porter. Thank you very kindly. Mr. Rubens, there you go.

Rubens: Can I keep it?

Fraser: Uh, no sir, I'm afraid not.

Rubens: Do I get a badge?

Fraser: None appear to have been provided.

Rubins: How about a hat? That's nice.

Fraser: You mean?

Rubins: Yeah, your hat.

Fraser: Oh well I'm...

Rubins: What size is it?

[Gladys and Dief out for a walk]

Gladys: It was 1942 and Benny Goodman was playing his bit at the Orpheus. And I'm telling you, back at that time I could really cut a rug. Would you like a taffy?

Dief: Whine.

[Ray and Elaine giving instructions to the patrol]

Ray: Now if anybody bothers you, you take this , you put it to your lips and you blow as hard as you can. Elaine.

Elaine blows whistle.

Ray: You think you can do that? Good. You ready? On three. One, two (tweeeeeeeeeeeet)

[in the park]

Fraser: Good morning Mr. Calling. I was hoping you'd join us.

Calling: I come here everyday. What's new?

Fraser: The neighborhood watch. We could use our help.

Calling: I'm busy.

Fraser: Uh, well yes sir. I can see that you are.

Lady: He keeps to himself.

Fraser: Ah. Shall we?


Porter: No, this is my post. 16th and Morgan. It's marked right here on the map.

Rubens:Your guarding my building? You who twice cheated me at canasta?

Porter: I didn't cheat you, old fool, you fell asleep and missed your turn.

Ray: Well the neighborhood is definitely in safe hands now.

Fraser: They just need a little drilling Ray, they'll get the hand of it.

Ray: Yeah, right.


Fraser: Neighborhood watch meeting Thursday night, I hope you'll join us.

Ray: I double checked every statement. I've interviewed the neighbors, I've talked to every shop keeper on the street. Nobody's seen this guy and even those who did can't describe him. It's like the guy doesn't exist.

Fraser: Well maybe he doesn't Ray, at least to the casual observer.

Ray: He follows people through the neighborhood, he beats and robs them yet nobody notices him?

Fraser: Apparently so but we do know he's in a position to notice them. How else could he know his victims movements well enough to know when to rob whom and when no to?

Ray: Okay, so he notices them, they don't notice him, but he's here?

Fraser: He has to be.


Mrs. Chappy: Edith. I'm on my way. Edith. Hello? Hello? Anybody here? Hello? Hello? Hello?

Hello! Hello!

Rubins: Who's there! Come in!

Porter:[into his walkie talkie] There's screaming down the passage way, call the police.

Fraser: All right Mr. Porter, we're on our way.

You see this guy? You take a good look. You come back here again, it'll be the last place you'll ever see.


Fraser: Mrs. Chappy.

Chappy: Hey.

Fraser: Mrs. Chappy are you all right.

Chappy: I seen him. He was following me.

Ray: Who?

Chappy: I don't know. There was two of them.

Fraser: Ray.


Ray: Now the attacker, was he the smaller man or the bigger one?

Chappy: I don't know. By the time I looked they were both running away.

Ray: Okay, would it be safe to say what you saw was two big blurs?

Chappy: Yes, I suppose it would.

Fraser: Thank you very much Mrs. Chappy. You've been a great help.

Ray: No wonder he robs old people.

Fraser: Well why Mrs. Chappy? It's broad day light, she's wearing a red vest and carrying a walkie-talkie. It's like mugging a bulls eye. It doesn't make sense.

Fraser: Which is why he picked another victim.

Fraser: And where's the victim. Why did he run?

Ray: Well for the same reason people don't hang around to report crimes either to intimidated or too embarrassed.

Fraser: Maybe.

Ray: You got a weapon?

Crime sceen guy: I don't know. Probably something big and blunt Vecchio you'll get my report in the morning.

Ray: Come on! Come on! Great. We got witnesses, we got evidence, we still got nothing.


Fraser; Look at this. by the right foot print.

Ray: It looks like a crutch.

Fraser: Or something he was using as one.

Dief whines.

Fraser: Diefenbaker? (groan) Hi Gladys.

Gladys: Hello, how are you?

Fraser: Hi Dief. Now listen, I had no idea it would come to this. I swear. She's very nice and there's a very nice dog biscuit in this for you, I promise.

Gladys: Come on Corky.

Dief: Whine.

Fraser: Dief. Oh boy. He's so embarrassed.

Ray: It's hideous. [then back to crime scene] It looks like his right heel is dragging.

Fraser: He must have been injured in the assault. The man he attacked was indeed bigger and I think...wait a minute. It's this way. He didn't climb it.

Ray: Well maybe his ankle is hurt.

Fraser: Even a young man with an injury could step over a wall like this.

Ray; Okay, so he goes around the fence, he hits the sidewalk and the prints disappear. [they are being followed by a small boy with a bat] Oh great, another dead end.

Fraser: Gone. The prints are still here. The crutch is gone.

Ray: Maybe he pitched it.

Fraser: There.

Ray: Aw, no, Fraser! Not another dumpster. I am not getting into a dumpster with you. Fraser! There is no way I'm getting in this dumpster with you. Don't even think about it, don't even suggest it. You know how many suits I've ruined frolicking in refuse for you?

Fraser: Here. Check these.

Ray: It's a waste of time. Half the stuff in there will qualify as a weapon.

Fraser: It has to be something concealible. Probably under a coat. No, that's not it. That's not it.

Ray; Ah ha! There it is.

Fraser: That's not blood, Ray.

Ray: Oh sure it is. It's red and it's sticky. Yech!

Ray: It's ketchup.

Ray: Well who sits in a dumpster and eats ketchup?

Fraser: Probably someone who likes french fries.

Kid: Uh oh.

Ray: Come here ya little rug rat. Come here kid. Where do you think you're going? Give me the bat.

Kid: No!

Ray: Come on now, be a good kid and give the detective the bat.

Kid: No! I found it. Get your own.

Ray: Give it.

Kid: No

Fraser: Ray, Ray, you know children are just like people only smaller. All you have to do is reason with them. Now son, that bat is important evidence in a criminal investigation and we'd be most grateful if you'd cooperate.

Kid: A hundred bucks.

Fraser: I see. Ray.

Ray; Okay kid. Can you spell penitentiary? Let's try it together. P-E-N-

Kid: Okay, here.

Ray: Scram.

Kid: Creep.

Ray: I reasoned with him.

Fraser: Ray, Ray, Ray.

Ray: Okay, I'm sorry but I got the bat and this definitely isn't ketchup.

Fraser: But all the victims said the attacker used a knife. Now why would you suddenly switch to a bat?

Ray: Who cares? This is evidence, okay? We match the blood type, we get lucky with a print and we got ourselves a thief.

Fraser: I was wrong.

Ray: No-no you weren't wrong Fraser, come on we got a crime and we got a weapon!

Fraser: I tracked the wrong man Ray. The man with the bat is not the thief.

Ray: Aw come on Fraser, don't do this to me. [Fraser is on the move again] At least wait up for me.

Fraser: He waited here. The snow melted then refroze under his feet. An hour maybe longer.

Ray: You live to do this to me, don't you? No sooner do I find a piece of hard evidence that may actually put a criminal in jail.

Fraser: Well I didn't say the man with the bat isn't a criminal, Ray, he just didn't commit the crimes you think he did.

Ray: Oh I see. I bet you it's that hero thing. One slug and you think you have to over compensate.

Fraser: Look at these foot prints. We know from the victims he only preys upon the weak yet this man, the man he attacked has long agile strides where this man, the man with the bat walks with a limp. He couldn't even jump a fence to save himself Ray. He's old. Now why would an old man try to rob a man bigger and stronger than himself.

Ray; Maybe he felt threatened by the bigger guy.

Fraser: Maybe. Maybe this was his solution.

[27th precinct]

Welsh: A vigilante. I send you out to solve a simple string of robberies and you bring me a vigilante. A senior citizen no less.

Fraser; Leftenant, the responsibility for this is entirely mine.

Welsh: Oh I'm sure it is. You know just once I'd like someone besides the Mountie to come into my station and confess.

Fraser: Sir, I encouraged these people not to allow themselves to be intimidated. Now I had no right to impair my experiences to theirs and offer up solutions to a problem that was far more severe in their mind than I could possibly anticipate.

Welsh: That might be so Constable, but before you put on the hairshirt, none of this would have happened if Detective Vecchio would have found the thief before some little old man.

Fraser: He's right Ray.

Ray: Oh thanks Fraser.

Fraser: No-no-no-no. About the little old man. He waited for the thief in the park which means he knows the thief. He knows his movements.

Ray: So if we find the vigilante we find the thief.


Fraser: Thank you very kindly Leftenant. And as usual our conversation has been extremely helpful.

Welsh: I'm so glad Constable.

Fraser: Also, sir, I think you'll be pleased to know I've taken the liberty of officially reprimanding myself.

Welsh; Good. Put them in the file with the rest of them. Get out of my office.

Fraser: Uh, yes sir.

Ray: I thought the thief was somebody nobody noticed.

Fraser: He is. Unless you were patient and had a lot of time on your hands and he didn't notice you noticing him.

Ray: So now we got two people noticing?

Fraser: You have to have a clear vantage point somewhere with a view of both sides of the tunnel. Here.

Ray: Fraser, old people do not sit outside in this weather and if somebody did, he'd be noticed right away.

Fraser: 'I come here everyday.' There's your quote.


Fraser: This was his routine, Ray. Nobody questions a man who keeps to his routine.

Ray: You can arrest Herb Colling for playing chess?

Fraser: The bruise on his forehead I should have realized.

Ray: You're not a mind reader Fraser. You're just a Canadian. Come on, maybe we'll get lucky and he'll blurt out a spontaneous confession.

[near the store, two boys on bikes are causing mischeif. They swipe bananas]

Woman: My fruit. He took my fruit.

Juvie: Get out of the way.

[Colling sticks out his cane and brings one of the bikes to a halt. He leaves feeling smug. The Stegs watches him]

[table where Colling always sits]

Fraser: Good morning, Mr. Colling. Do you mind if I?

Colling: It's a public park.

Fraser: You know this park was created after the great fire of 1871? The mayor at the time, uh, Joseph Meddle, dedicated it to all the citizens of Chicago to enjoy freely and equally. But people don't seem to feel very free do they? In fact, most people are afraid to come here anymore.

Colling: I'm not afraid.

Fraser: No, I need your advice. I found this in a dumpster. Rather nice bat. Hardly the sort of thing you'd toss away in the garbage. Don't you agree?

Colling; You're in my way.

Fraser: I'm terribly sorry. I thought it might be valuable to somebody. It's obviously very well taken care of. It's been oiled and cleaned regularly. The oil, you can see has been worked into the grain. As a matter of fact, it's seeped it's way into the wood. It's rather like the rings of a tree don't you think? You see, I think this bat is a memento. And I think it belongs to someone who played baseball, someone who loved the game. What do you think?

Colling: I wouldn't know.

Fraser: It's not your bat is it?

Colling: No.

Fraser: Well it's strange. I saw a picture in the trophy case in the center. It was of a man with a boys team who's smiling and he was holding a bat very much like this one.

Colling: This was a nice park. 40 years ago people came from all over the neighborhood. On Sundays they had picnics and sat in the shade. There was a fountain over there. Kids used to take off their shoes and wade in it. Splashed everybody. Made a hell of a noise. Was full of life but look at it now. When the muggers and the junkies came the people didn't fight back. They hid. Inside their homes behind their doors until finally one day, when they tried to come out they couldn't. They just couldn't. Now it ain't much but it's my home. I'm suppose to give it up> For them? For you? no. Not for anyone.

Fraser: Mr. Calling, This bat has been used to hurt people. Now maybe they deserved it, maybe they didn't. That's immaterial. The law simply does not allow us to go about hitting each other over the head with bats. And if he tries again, I'll be watching.


Ray: So you decided to scare the vigilante by destroying the only piece of evidence we have against him?

Fraser: Well he may try again Ray. I felt it was worth the risk.

Ray: You know Fraser, it's about time someone told you, it's the little things like this that make them not want you across the border.

[Colling's building]

Porter: I go to the counter, I buy a paper. I give her a dollar. She gives me my change just like we done a thousand times. Only this time, she sees my red vest and calls me Mister. Not Rudy but Mr. Porter.

Colling: So?

Porter: So I wink at her and she winks back at me. We're going to bingo on Saturday night. Go figure.

[Colling got into his apartment and their is there]

Porter: -- seventeen. We got a problem at Parkview Towers, third floor. Copy.

Fraser: That's Mr. Collin's building.


Porter:He's in here.

Fraser: Mr. Calling!

Ray: Police!

[patrol people are reporting to Fraser who is on foot after the theif]

Porter: -- to all units. Intruder heading west through the park

Mrs. Klapp: He's in the alley.

Fraser: Thank you kindly, Mrs. Klapp.

Rubin: I've got him. He's heading south. Behind the building

Fraser: Roger.

Rubin: Watch out for the trash cans.

Fraser [who is one on and rolling along] Thank you very much Mr. Rubin.

Gladys: Sick him Corky. Sick him.

Fraser: I'm sorry!

[27th precinct a line up]

Cop:Turn left, turn rightt. Face front. Do you recognize any of these men Mr. Colling?

Welsh: Mr. Colling?

Collins: No.

Ray: No? The guy slammed the back of your head into the wall repeatedly, don't tell me you didn't see his face.

Welsh: Vecchio! Perhaps you'd like to take another look.

Colling: I've seen enough

Welsh: Okay, cut him loose.

Ray: Cut him loose? Lt., you can't cut the guy loose.

Fraser: This won't end here. He knows where you live. He knows you've seen his face.

Colling: It will end.

Fraser: And someone may die.

Colling: So be it.

Fraser: You know Mr. Colling you had the strength to swing that bat, you must have the strength to put it down.

[Ray's desk. Ray is typing his report, Fraser is making a big stick into a little one]

Ray: What?

Fraser: Nothing. No it's just I can't help feeling --

Ray: You see that's your problem.

Fraser: What?

Ray: Feeling. Ya got to keep the feeling out of it. This way it's just a case. Just a docket with a file number and that's it.

Fraser: I suppose that's prudent.

Ray: Offender.

Fraser: That's an 'h'.

Ray: What?

Fraser: Offender. You meant to hit a 'd', you hit an 'h'. Ray: You heard that?

Fraser: Yes. Now Ray, the thing is --

Ray: Fraser, the guy had his chance, okay? There's nothing more we can do for him, okay?

Fraser: You're right.

Ray: I know I'm right.

Fraser: That's a 'zaid'.

Ray: What's a 'zaid?'

Fraser: A 'z'. You meant to hit an 's'.

Ray: All right, that's it. All right look, I'm trying to type here and what you're doing is really unnerving okay?

Ray: I'm sorry.

Ray: Look, you don't know what the guy is going to do. Maybe he learned his lesson.

Fraser: Ray. He's determined and he's desperate.

Ray: And he doesn't want our help!

Fraser: That's true.

Fraser: Don't even think about it.

Fraser; I was gonna compliment you on your spacing.

Ray: Oh yeah, right.

Fraser: I was!

Ray: All right, come on, look, maybe we can't help your friend but the least we can do is sit on your playmate.

[Colling is buying a gun]

Gun Salesmans: Here's your I.D. back, you check out just fine. Now there's normally a three day cooling off period but you look like a reasonable man so uh, in your case, I think we can waive it. But uh, you're not going to go off and shoot someone are you sir?

[Colling laughs ] You bought yourself a fine gun. You have any trouble? Just give me a call.

Colling: Thank you.

[Stegs' apartment]

Stegs [on phone]: Yeah could I have the number of the transit authority. Thanks. Yeah a ticket to Philly. How much? What's that? Yeah. Naw Naw. I ain't got no credit card. Forget it. Forget it.

[hall at Colling's apartment]

Irving: I should quit one of these days.

Colling: Yeah you should.

Irving: Who would care? Not my son. He's suppose to be here every Thursday end of the month take me to the check cash. You think he make it? No. Phone me up, tell me he got to work, can't make it, can I make it on my own. I say sure isn't that what I been doing the last 70 years?


Colling: Oh, uh, Irving.

Irving: Yeah?

Colling: Well I just remembers I left a package at Azarelo's market up there. I got to go there right now. You want me to go t o the check cash for you?

Irving: Oh I can make it you know.

Colling: Yeah, I know but uh, no need for both of us to make the same trip.

[Steg's Apartment]

Ray; It's the police Mr. Steg open up. All right stand back and watch how we do things here in America. No neighborhood watch, no caring for your fellow man, just good old fashion intimidation.

Fraser: You know Ray, your methods are a constant inspiration to me.

Ray: Oh well, thank you Benny. [looking over the stacks of mail] Look at this guy. He's a junk mail junkie.

[Mr. Colling is showing himself on the street so the Steg's will follow him]

[on phone to Elaine while driving around] You sure he didn't answer?

Elaine: I made the call didn't I?

Ray: What about the Senior Center?

Elaine: No luck there either.

Fraser: There he is. Mr. Colling? Herb.

Ray: Where's Herb?

Irving: He went to the check cash for me.

Ray: Yeah, but that's his coat.

Irving: He ask to borrow mine. He said he needed it for something. What's wrong?

[at Azarelo's market]

Ray: We just missed him.

Fraser: He doesn't follow them home, Ray.

Ray: What?

Fraser: He waits for them. He already knows where they live. He delivers junk mail to their doors. He watches them cash their checks then he cuts across the park and gets there first. Come on.

[at the tunnel]

Stegs: Stupid old man.

[in Riv, Fraser tries to point out objects that Ray immediately mows over]

Fraser: Ray gates.

Ray: I know.


Stegs: You can't shoot me. You're too old man, you can't even see. You can't even hold that thing straight.


Fraser: Gun fire!

Ray: I know a short cut.


Collins: You don't like that. You're frightened. I could take your money. I could take your life. You don't know which. Which one should I take.

Stegs: No.

Colling: Take it. I don't want your money.


Fraser: Ray, sapling.

Ray: Where?

Fraser: Twelve o'clock.

Ray: Got it. [he says with great satisfaction]


Stegs: Take it! Take it man, come on.


Fraser: There! There!

Ray: Drop the gun!


Fraser: You are intending on shooting this man, aren't you? Good evening.

Ray: Fraser, what are you doing?

Fraser: Well I thought I'd let him shoot me Ray. All Mr. Colling has to do is shoot me, then he can shoot him.

Ray: Oh, as long as you've got a plan.

Colling: Get out of the way. It's him I want. I just want him.

Fraser: I understand. I understand. After all he attacked you. He stole your money. It's perfectly reasonable.

Colling: That man is evil.

Fraser: And the boys you attacked, what about them?

Colling: It's not the same.

Fraser: Oh it isn't? Oh. Oh now you see, I'm not so sure I follow you. I thought it was people like them that had taken your neighborhood away from you. And I thought you wanted to take it back. Now you see Mr. Colling from now on you will have to decide who's good enough to walk on your streets and sit in your park You will have to decide who should be protected and who should be punished. And if someone just happens to get in your way, someone you disagree with, well then you will have to decide whether they deserve - oh, now I see. Now I understand. If you kill him then he can never walk on your streets. He can never hurt another person and he can never sit in your park every again. I see your logic. It's airtight. Right. Right ten, he's all yours.

Stegs: Hey! Hey!

Ray: Freeze.

Colling: I could have killed you.

Fraser: Yes, I know.

Ray: Good plan, Benny.

Fraser: Well actually I was just kinda making it up as I went along Ray.

Ray: Not you Fraser.

Fraser: Yeah, really.

Ray: Oh imagine that.

[Collings table in the park]

Juvie: How much time they give you?

Colling: Six months community service. You?

Juvie: Five months, suspended. Hey, I'm just a kid.

Colling: Play.

Juvie: Why are we sitting out here, it's freezing.

Colling: Because I like it. Did you know there use to be a fountain over there?

Juvie: Who cares?

Colling: I do. You sit here long enough and maybe you'll care too. [points to chess game] Play.


Gladys: I packed his sweater and I nice new tamashanter. He loves it so.

Fraser: Well thank you Gladys.

Gladys: And I'll see you on Saturday Corky.

[poor Dief runs away with Fraser after him]

Fraser: Well it's just for an hour. All right half an hour! All right, ten minutes and then we'll burn the tamoshanter.



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