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.. Scénář - 3. epizoda - Pronásledování (Manhunt) ..
[gate at prison]

Guard: Going back empty?

Driver: Uh huh

Guard: Say hi to Sarah.


Frobisher: RCMP Evidence Room, Sgt. Frobisher

Geiger: How's your leg?

Frobisher: Who is this?

Geiger: Oh, you haven't forgotten.

Frobisher: Geiger. Geiger.

Captain: I run a scow not a cruise ship. I take you across that border, immigration finds out, I loose my boat. Where do you want to go?

Frobisher: As far as this will take me. And this.

[school room]

Fraser: Makes the border between Canada and the United States the longest undefended border in the world. So since their formation our two countries have found a peaceful way to coexist. Except for the War of 1812 where your country invaded ours and we sent you packing but that's hardly worth mentioning. Now I think I'll open the floor to questions. Yes?

Boy: Do you have to undo all your buttons to go to the toilet?

Fraser: No. Anyone else? Yes.

Boy: How many do you have to undo?

Fraser: Just enough to get your trousers undone. Yes.

Boy: Do they have toilets in Canada?

Fraser: Yes. We do. Anyone else? Anyone else at all? Any other questions at all?

Julie: When was the last time you were home?

Fraser: It's been far too long.

[school playground]

Julie: Just disappeared. His car was still in the garage. He hadn't taken anything from his apartment. I checked all the buses and t4ains finally someone from the docks remembered seeing him get on a barge that was headed here. Still can't believe that he'd just leave without saying something. I been looking for a week. I can't find him Fraser. I was hoping maybe he called you.

Fraser: No. I'm sorry.

Julie: I just no how close you and your father were.

Fraser: They went back quit a way.

Julie: I want to stay here and keep looking but my job. They won't give me anymore time and if I loose it, well, it's just me and Patty now, you know.

Fraser: I was sorry to hear about um...

Julie: Bruce.

Fraser: Bruce.

Julie: That's okay. It was my fault. I just married the wrong man. I was in love with someone else.

Fraser: Oh you, I-I-I you-you don't mean . . .

Julie: No, Fraser, it wasn't you.

Fraser: Oh, good. No, I don't mean good. I mean-I mean I-I

Julie: You haven'[t changed a bit. You're just like my father. You could track a man five hundred miles over shear ice but put either of you within arms length of a woman and you're completely lost. Put you behind a desk and you'd die. That's what was happening to him. I don't know. I don't know what's happened but ... I don't want to lose hem, Fraser. I can't. Will you help me? Will you find him?

Fraser: I'll do everything I can.

Julie: I haven't seen you in over ten years but somehow I knew if there's one person in the world I could count on it was you.

[at the border]

Guy 1: Someone's in there.

Guy 2: Oh cripe. Hey, did you see the tie up at the border? What's going on?

Guy 1: Officer! Can I have the key?

Geiger: I wouldn't go in there. It's a real mess.

[27th precicnt]

Ray: And you think this is the man who stole your cat? Paw marks on his cardigan. Yes that's very conclusive. Um, you know it's going to be a little difficult for me to break away from the case I'm currently working on. But if you'd like to call back and ask for extension 312, Detective's Huey or Gardino would be glad to help you. Yes. They've been, uh, specially assigned to handle all animal related offenses. No no ma'am. The pleasures all mine.

Ray: How's it going.

Fraser: I need your help Ray.

Ray: Does it involve domestic animals?

Fraser: Not that I'm aware.

Ray: Then I'm your man.

Fraser: Personal matter.

Gardino: Violent crimes, Detective Gardino. Cat ma'am?

Ray: Seven freighters came in from Northern Ontario last week. None carrying passengers. You still think your Mountie friend came in on one of these?

Fraser: Seems likely. Did anything come in thru San Maria?

Ray: Two. The Lady of the Lake and a garbage scow called the Bombay Bomber.

Fraser: We'll try the scow.

Ray: There are seventeen hundred places to drive across the border between Canada and the US. Why would anyone in their right mind travel by scow.

Fraser: I don't know Ray. I don't know.


Captain of Scow: Sorry.

Fraser: You're sure.

Captain: I'm sure.

Fraser: He was my father's best friend. He's in some kind of trouble.

Captain: I'm sure he'd call your dad.

Fraser: Well, I'm sure he would if he was alive. But since he's not he probably doesn't know who to trust. It's never an easy question. Oh by the way, who did you know in the force?

Captain: What?

Fraser: Your watch. RCMP field issue circa 1950. Spring wound, consecutively numbered. Civilians couldn't buy them. Only a few still own them. This was my father's. Want to show me yours?

Captain: You really his friend?

Fraser: I am.

Captain: Some of the men billet at the St. John's Hotel. Try there.

Fraser: Thank you kindly.

Ray: Yeah, you're a real prince, Popeye.


Ray: Yeah, I was thinking of going to Maui but now that I've seen this place, I'm reconsidering.

Fraser: Excuse me. This man, is he registered here?

Hotel Manager: Never seen him. Carney. One bag. No tip. Room 202.

Ray: You're sure.

Hotel Manager: I only live here 24 hours of the day. I sleep here, I eat here. I know every face that comes here.

Ray: So is he in?

Hotel Manager: I have no idea.

Ray: So what's this guy like?

Fraser: What do you mean?

Ray: I mean if this guys unhinged, I don't want to knock on the door and be met by a bullet.

Fraser: Oh it's okay. He knows we're coming.

Ray: How could he?

Frobisher: You track a man about as quietly as I pass wind.

Ray: I'll, uh, wait for you downstairs.

Fraser: Julie asked me to find you.

Frobisher: yeah. I'll send her a post card.

Fraser: She's worried.

Frobisher: Nothing will happen to her if she just stays away from me.

Fraser: I don't think she's worried bout herself.

Frobisher: I'm fine.

Fraser: Who is it? You're waiting for somebody or you wouldn't have that.

Frobisher: So what are you going to do? Protect me?

Fraser: I'd do what ever I could.

Frobisher: Look, I'm Buck Frobisher, you little piss ant. I've taken more men down than you've ever met. The day I take help from a boy like you the day I'll put this to my own head. Want to do something for me? I'm out of beer.

Fraser: I'll have them send it up.

[Fraser's apartment]

February 13 -- Ten years ago I would never have walked into something like this. A bear trap so poorly camouflaged a child would have seen it but I didn't. I pried it open and got my leg out but there was no way I could make it back. I was prepared to die out here. And to be honest, I felt I deserved it. A man gets too old for a job he should know it, and stop. But then Buck found me. I don't know how. No one knew where I was going but he found me and carried me back. Three days over terrain a mule couldn't navigate. Laughing his ass off the entire way. Riding like that, completely helpless, slung over Buck's shoulder and staring down his back I came to understand two things. One, at a certain point in life a man's hips spread and there's nothing you can do about it and two there's a very easy way to define friendship. A friend is someone who won't stop until he finds you and brings you home. Robert Fraser (Journal entry.)

Ray: I think I know who's after the old man. It came in over the wires so as usual I decided to drop my life and bring it on over.

Fraser: I appreciate it Ray.

Ray: You know this guys gotta be sixty years old doesn't look that dangerous to me.

Fraser: In 1978 Harold Geiger held up a bank in Southern Michigan. A guard tried to stop him. He shot the guard and two other employees. The police and FBI pursued him across five states before he crossed into Canada. He killed two FBI men, a state trooper and a highway patrol officer. Once across the border, he broke through a massive dragnet killing a local officer, two provincial police officers and two members of the RMCP emergency response team. In short, he killed every cop that got close to him. Except one. Buck Frobisher. Frobisher tracked him up to White Horse caught up with him at the railroad bridge. A struggle issued. Geiger went over the ledge and at the last second, Frobisher caught him by the arm. Dangling there 200 feet above the gorge, Geiger reached into his belt, pulled out a hunting knife and jabbed it hilt deep in Frobisher's leg. Still Sargent Frobisher managed to pull him up, cuff him and take him in.

Ray: And this guy's coming here to my city?

Fraser: I believe so.

Ray: God I hate tourists!


Frobisher: So he is coming.

Fraser: A few hours ago they found a body of a border patrol officer in a service station restroom. They sealed the bridge immediately but they can't be sure he didn't make it across.

Frobisher: He made it.

Fraser: I came to offer you...My friend Detective Vecchio is waiting down stairs. He's willing to place you under protective custody until Geiger's apprehended.

Frobisher: That long eh? They must have quite the budget.

Fraser: The FBI's been notified and the state troopers are watching the roads so as soon as they're sure he's-

Frobisher: What? That he's coming after me? They want proof then show them this . Show them my leg. Seventeen years ago I didn't have to take these, I could walk on them. That what it cost to bring him in. He's been on the road for a week now. How many cops have he killed.

Fraser: Two that we know of.

Frobisher: Well that brings his total up to twelve. Your friend got twelve more cops he's willing to lose? I put Geiger away. He's not going to stop until he finds me and does the same.

Fraser: So what do you plan to do. Keep running?

Frobisher: Hey look, you came here and you warned me. I appreciate it but what I'm doing, where I'm going is none of your damn business.

Fraser: You know, I was reading my fathers diary. It's the day you pulled him off the icepack.

Frobisher: I was 30 years old then.

Fraser: So what?

Frobisher: Do I look thirty to you? Look like I'm forty? It was, it was when your father and I thought we were immortal. Boy were we wrong. Look what happen to him. Look what happen to me.

Fraser: You're still the same man who brought in Geiger when nobody else could.

Frobisher: I'm not the man I used to be. Right now I'm just a guy who sits behind a desk. No. I'm the guy who's running. For his life. Who's ashamed of what he's become.

Fraser: No you're not. You're Buck Frobisher. And you know exactly who you are. The only question is how long can you keep running from that. If you need money or uh plane ticket.

Frobisher: No, I'm moving on tonight. I'll send you a post card.

Ray: He didn't go for it, did he? So what do you want to do?

Fraser: Nothing. There's nothing we can do for him. Would you drive me home? I have to be at work early tomorrow.

Ray: Sure.

[outside Consulate]

Tourist: Ok. That's it.

[shows up with horses]Buck: Hop on son. We have a villain to catch.

Fraser: You ran away but you brought your dress uniform with you?

Frobisher: No, I rented it. If we don't catch him by Tuesday, I have to pay extra. Ready?

Fraser: Ready.

[falls off horse]Frobisher: Taxi! Okay.

Fraser: So where do we start.

Frobisher: What I know about the south side tells me that's where he's headed.

[27th precinct]

Elaine: Geiger, Harold. Ooo! He's a nasty one.

Ray: Any accomplices, girlfriend, cell mates? Anybody in the city he might try to shack up with?

Elaine: Local boys. Here we go. Ho. Walter...Um, robbery, multiple count currently on parole. Trager, James. Armed robbery, manslaughter, currently on parole. Walker, George, murder one attempted murder, mayhem, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon.

Ray: On parole.

Elaine: Escaped and at large. I'm printing out last knowns but the parole office could have current addresses. I'll call when I get them.

Fraser: Thank you kindly, Elaine.

Ray: You're a gem, Elaine. Come on boys let's move.

Frobisher: We appreciate your thoughtfulness Miss.

Civilian aid : Now there's a country that knows what to export.

Elaine: Absolutely.

[outside of bar, same as in the Pilot]

Ray: Okay. This is going to take some team work so listen up. Here's how it's going to be. I go to the front door, you stay in the car. I go into the bar, you stay in the car. I'll question the locals of the where abouts of a Walter Ho, you stay in the car. When I get back, where do I find you guys?

Fraser: In the car?

Ray: Exactly.

Frobisher: Let's go.

Fraser: Right. Oh--Dief, when I come back I expect to find you in the car. Oh, uh, before we go in, there's something I should tell you.

Ray; Hey, hey, Shemp, long time no see.

Chuck: Get out of here Vecchio. Get the hell out of my bar. I don't need any more trouble.

Ray: Aw come on Chuck you worry to much.

Chuck: I just got this place put back together. You know how much it costs? I can't even get insurance anymore because of you. Some one get this goof out of here.

Ray: Look, Chuck, I'm just looking for a little -- look Chicago PD pal. Don't make me use my gun. That's it. That's my gun, don't make me use it.

Frobisher: May I have your attention please? Thank you.

Fraser: Could I have one quick word?

Frobisher: Anybody carrying illegal firearms please place them on the bar. You're under arrest. That's very good. Now place them on the bar.

Fraser: You see, I've been here before. What I've found is this is, uh...

Frobisher: Oh right. Local custom. All right. We're prepared to over look the firearm infractions it being hunting season and all. No, no, sir, you keep that. All we want is information on the where abouts of one Walter Ho.

Guy Holding Ray: You want to know where Ho is?

Fraser: You see it's usually at this point that they'll start shooting so might I suggest we take cover behind that small wall there.

Guy Holding Ray: Vincent, tell them where your father is.

Vincent: 956 Dearness St.

Frobisher: Thank you, young man. Get that? Very nice people these Americans. You hear these stories but...

[at a Bingo parlor]

Ray: I'm telling you this is a waste of time. There's no way he gave us the right address. I mean this is the guys father.

Frobisher: You're right. Could be a trap now we go in ready for trouble. All right. Nobody move. Get you're hands on the table. Get those daubers where I can see em. You pops, hands in the air. Oh, sorry.

Ray: Did anybody check out this guys birthday before we started out on this manhunt? Walter Ho was ninety one years old. Wouldn't you think his trail was a tad cold?

Fraser: Might have worked with Geiger early in his career.

Ray: Early in his career! This guy started out with the James gang. All right where to next?

Frobisher: 907 Mill St. Rd. I've run into this guy before. Not going to find him in any Bingo parlor.


Frobisher: Tager, James. Born, February thirteenth, nineteen thirty-seven Died November second nineteen ninety-three.

Ray: Okay, I'll get the shovel, you handle the interrogations.

Frobisher: That man was several years younger than me. You know I always used to think that I'd want to see my enemies in their graves before I die. Strange feeling now that it's actually happened.

Fraser: All right, George Wilker. We have no whereabouts on him. He escaped from Pelican Bay eight months ago. Maybe the FBI has a lead.

Frobisher: I think we've covered enough ground today.

[Frobisher's hotel]

Fraser: Sargent. We will find him.

Frobisher: We always do.

Fraser: Think you can find your way home? I'm here twenty-four hours a day. Where's the guy behind the desk.

Fraser to Dief: The Roof.

Frobisher: That man's been working out. My God.


[to cop] Ray: All right, stay here. Nobody gets on this floor. [to Frobisher] How is he?

Frobisher: They got the bleeding stopped. By the way, it looks like he's out of danger.

Ray: What did they get him with a knife?

Frobisher: Very deep. Doctors seem to know what they're doing.

Ray: Damn it. He in there?

Frobisher: Recovery. Soon as they know he's okay, they'll move him.

Ray: You know I can't believe it. I mean like -- it's like Fraser was invincible. I mean...

Frobisher: Yeah, happens to the best of us.

Ray: Yeah.

Doctor: DOA?

Geiger: Knife wound

Nurse: You've got the room to yourself. Are you really a Mountie?

Fraser: Yes Ma'am.

Nurse: You know I got a nephew in Canada. His name is Gerold Simpson, you know him?

Fraser: Yes.

Nurse: Really? You know I was, um, you're not suppose to be in here yet.

Ray: Yeah, I know that. There's a cop outside you like to report me? Thank you very much. How's it going?

Fraser: They tried to cut off my boots.

Ray: No!

Fraser: Right up the side. I wouldn't let them.

Ray: Well I don't blame you. Lose a leg sure but a good pair of boots isn't easy to replace. Does it hurt?

Fraser: Yes, Ray.

Ray: Would you like a little more fluid?

Fraser: No thanks. How's Dief?

Ray: Oh, I rented him Rin Tin Tin, he's thrilled.

Fraser: Thanks. Is Sargent Frobisher out there?

Ray: Yeah. Would you like me to send him in?

Fraser: Please.

Ray: Oh, I'm gonna um go down to the store. Do you want anything?

Fraser: Like what?

Ray: Oh, I don't know, I was thinking maybe The Yukon Gazette or Toboggan Today.

Fraser: No, I'm fine.

Ray: Okay.

Frobisher: How are you doing?

Fraser: I'm okay. I wanted you to know it wasn't your fault.

Frobisher: How do you figure that?

Fraser: Well he surprised me too. I walked right into it.

Frobisher: Well as I recall you kicked your way into it and you won't be doing that again too soon.

Fraser: No, it doesn't look like it.

Frobisher: It'll get well if you stay off it. But that's the hard part. You know when it happened to me I-I told myself you get back up and get out there or they're gonna put you behind a desk.

Fraser: Oh I can imagine that. I'm sorry.

Frobisher: Well there's worse places. We visited one yesterday.

Fraser: I think, um, I think you should take up Ray's offer.

Frobisher: Protective custody yes be the smart thing to do just walked through the door. Well. You take it easy, get some rest.

Fraser: Yeah, that would be the smart thing.

Frobisher: You remember that wallet that you stitched for your father when you were just a little kid?

Fraser: He showed you that?

Frobisher: He used it until it started to fall apart and he used it till even after then. When I brought him out that time in must have fallen out of his pocket and got lost. When he got out of the hospital the first thing he did was go back up there to try to find it.

Fraser: Did he?

Frobisher: Yeah.

Nurse: Excuse me sir you can't be up here.

Nurse: Down there. Down there.

Ray: Call it in! Call it in! Drop it! Drop it!

Ray: Stand clear I said, stand clear.

Fraser: Ow. Ow. Ow. Did he make it?

Ray: He threw himself down the elevator shaft.

Fraser: he made it. Where's Buck? Ow. Ow. Ray, could you?

Ray; Do I have to?

Fraser: Thanks Ray.

Ray: Where the hell did Frobisher go?

Fraser: After Geiger.

Ray: Where are you going?

Fraser: To get my uniform.

Ray: Then what?

Fraser: Then we go after Frobisher.

Ray: Oh yeah, this makes sense. We got half the police dept after this guy, but is he going to worry about it? No, he's got two limping Mounties on his tail.

[outside hospital]

Frobisher: Stand back son. There's a villain on the loose. [falls off of motorcycle] Taxi!

Car jacked guy: Hey!

Geiger: George? Harold. I need some help.

George: Not again!

[tracking from the Riv]

Fraser: Slow down a little...stop.

Ray: What? You see another bent twig?

Fraser: No, it's a gum wrapper and there appears to be something inside.

Ray: Of course there is--disease! Someone had that in their mouth. Now don't be opening that in my car.

Fraser: Geiger gave up smoking in prison using nicotine gum.

Ray: Oh that's good. God forbid he should have any bad habits. Oh no! You're tasting things again? Oh that is the grossest thing I have ever seen.

Fraser: It's nicotine all right. I see it.

Ray: What? More gum?

Ray: No a red uniform.

Fraser: Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Frobisher: Did you find the gum?

Fraser: Yes.

Frobisher: He's in there and he's got company.

Fraser: How many?

Frobisher: Five heavily armed.

Ray: That's it we call in a tactile team.

Frobisher: You call in anybody you want. I'm going in there myself.

Fraser: You think it's a wise idea?

Ray: There's no discussion here Buck.

Frobisher: Look. One week ago that man stole my self respect. At least I let him steal it. Now I want him to know I'm taking it back. Now. I'm going in alone.

Fraser: I understand.

Ray: You understand? Let me suggest another interpretation to you. That is the stupidest reason I've ever heard in all my life.

Frobisher: All right. I won't be long.

Fraser: Oh, one thing. If we should happen to feel he stole something from us...

Frobisher: Well you can come too.

Ray: This has gone far enough. Okay. Let me point something out to you sharp Mountie eye might have missed. See those windows up there? There are men in those windows with sniper scoped and hi powered rifles. Do you see any cover between here and there? No. Which means there isn't any way to get from here to there without being seen or killed.

Fraser: He's absolutely right.

Ray: Which is a shame because if there was, I'd be the first to say, 'Let's do it.'

Fraser: Hm...unless....

[in the sewer]

Ray: I've never been so humiliated in all my life

Fraser: Would you hold the lantern a little higher Ray? If we bump the sides we'll have to return the canoe scuffed.

Ray: Do you have any idea what's in this water?

Fraser: I would suspect a high percentage of ammonia, phosphorus and cyanide.

Ray: Wrong. Rats. Rats this big. And you know what they're doing? They're laughing at us. I'm in a canoe with two wounded Mounties and I'm being humiliated by rats.

Frobisher: I think we're getting close.


George: It's been seven hours, Harold, he's not coming.

Geiger: He's coming. I laid a trail of clues for him even a blind man could follow.

George: And he'll bring the whole damn Chicago PD.

Geiger: I know him. He will come along.

George: You see any squad cars? I want to know about it before they're here.

Ray: Will you please take these?

Fraser: Well I try to stay away from non prescription medicines, Ray.

Ray: Asprin?

Fraser: Still they have side effects.

Ray: (thru gritted teeth) Just take em.

Fraser: All right All right.

Frobisher: I'll take a couple of those.

Ray: Okay, now the way I see it is I'm the only one with a gun, right?

Frobisher: Right.

Ray: So let's take em one at a time.

Fraser: Excuse me (punch) Good plan.

Frobisher: Let's split up.

Frobisher: Excuse me (4 punches later)

Fraser: Hello? Thank God!

Ray: Thanks.

Fraser: No problem.

Ray: He's not gonna.

Fraser: Nooo!

Frobisher: Not this time!

[outside hideout]

Geiger: See you again.

Frobisher: I'll be waiting. [to cop] If you get a chance shoot him. [to Fraser]You stay off that leg now.

Fraser: I'll do that. Did you call Julie?

Frobisher: Yeah, she's going to pick me up at the airport. You know about her and Bruce.

Fraser: Yeah, I was sorry to hear that.

Frobisher: That happens. She was in love with someone else.

Fraser: So she said. You know the fellow.

Frobisher: Yeah. Nice guy. Kind of guy who'd never let a friend down.

Fraser: Sounds like a good man.

Frobisher: Yeah. Goodbye.

Fraser: Good bye.

Frobisher: Taxi.

Fraser: Can I offer you a ride?

Frobisher: Absolutely.

Fraser: Ready?

Frobisher: Let's go son. We've got a plane to catch.


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