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.. Scénáø - 61. epizoda - Dobré pro duši (Good For The Soul) ..

[shopping mall]
Fraser: No I assure you it’s a polar bear. Well, he lives in a mall. If you keep eating those pizza’s we’ll see how you look inside of a year.
Ray: Got it. The last death ray gun in the store. I almost had to flatten this lady from Oak Park to get it.
Fraser: Oh? Who is it for?
Ray: The desk sergeants kid. Maybe I’ll keep it for myself. It’s pretty cool. Watch. [wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr]
Fraser: That’s really irritating Ray.
Ray: You didn’t get anything?
Fraser: Well, I tend to well, I prefer to make my own presents. Oh my. Look at this. Look at this. This is nice.
Vender: The gentleman has a good eye.
Fraser: How much for this?
Vender: It’s a log.
Fraser: Yes. Would $5.00 be sufficient?
Vender: Yeah, sure.
Fraser: There you are. Merry Christmas.
Vender: Merry Christmas.
Ray: Fraser, it’s a log.
Fraser: Marvelous log.

Tommy: I’d so sorry.
Warfield: Hey what do you think you’re doing? You got water on my damn suit.
Fraser: Excuse me sir, I’m sure this young man meant no harm.
Warfield: If I was you I’d walk away.
Fraser: Well happily. As long as you apologize to this man.
Warfield: I don’t apologize to anybody, ever.
Fraser: Well perhaps now would be a good time to start.
Warfield: You want an apology?
Tommy: No.
Fraser: Very well, you’ll have to come with me. I’m performing a citizen’s arrest.
Warfield: Get out of my way.
Ray: Chicago PD, drop the gun. On the table. Drop the gun. Am I going to fast for you?
Thug: I got a permit.
Ray: Shut up. On the table. Get on the ground.
Warfield: You got any idea who I am?
Fraser: No but I’m sure you’ll tell me.
Owner: Mr. Warfield…
Ray: Mr. Warfield?
Owner: Look, look, this is all just a misunderstanding. It was all my fault. We don’t want any trouble here gentlemen. Please, no trouble.
Fraser: It wasn’t your fault. You made a mistake. This man committed a crime.
Ray: Fraser. Do you know who he is?
Fraser: Apparently his name is Warfield and no.
Ray: He’s one of the biggest mob bosses in Chicago.
Fraser: Oh. [to crowd gathered] We thank you for your patience. Now all of you were witnesses to a crime. And if you would be so kind as to step forward one by one, we’ll be very happy to take your statements. [no one moves] [to Ray] Apparently no one saw anything.
Ray: Really Fraser. I am shocked and amazed.
Fraser: Anything ladies and gentlemen. Anything at all. Any thing you can remember.
Witness: What would be the point?
Fraser: The point would be justice.
Witness: Where the hell do you come from?
Ray: Canada and zeal is a big thing up there so it’s differently a zeal thing.
Waiter: Well maybe they go for justice up there but we got brains here.
Fraser: The victim was a fellow employee, a friend of yours. I can’t believe no one will make a statement. Ladies and gentlemen, I really don’t mean to be condescending but justice cannot exist in a democracy with out the support and cooperation of an informed citizenry. If you let this man walk away from his crimes you not only let down this entire city but you encourage him to continue in his criminal endeavors.
Waiter: Maybe we’re afraid.
Fraser: Of what?
Waiter: Warfield.
Fraser: There’s nothing to be afraid of. There are laws.
Waiter: Not working to good as far as I can see.
Fraser: Well they will work if you all do your part. [no one is going to say a word and Fraser knows it] I think you kindly for your time.

Reporter: Lieutenant, I hear you have Willie Warfield locked up.
Welsh: Look, I just got here. I don’t know what’s happening yet.
Reporter: Do you think you finally have something to stick on Slick Willie?
Welsh: My best men brought him in. If they believe they got something, I gotta believe em.
Reporter: What are you charging him with?
[Welsh’s office]
Welsh: Slapping a bus boy? You brought Warfield in here for slapping a busboy?
Fraser: Yes sir. Is that a problem?
Welsh: It’s a nothing beef Constable. He’s already walked on four murder one and conspiracy charges. Think he’s going to go down for spitting on the sidewalk?
Fraser: He’s going down, as you put it, for assault.
Welsh: The kid won’t even press charges.
Fraser: But we both witnessed it.
Welsh: Detective, would you explain to the constable how the system works? I’ve got to go deal with the high priced Logan.
Ray: The Lieutenant ’s right Fraser.
Fraser: It’s an explanation?
Fraser: No it goes with a little something like this. Warfield is a big mob guy.
Fraser: Whom I assume you’d like to see in jail.
Ray: Whom we’d love to see put away for years.
Fraser: We witnessed a crime. This would seem to be an ideal opportunity to – what?
Ray: Two words. Money and connections.
Fraser: He is a criminal.
Ray: Look, we witnessed a slap in the face. The kids not going to sign anything so we got no complaint. Warfield has no priors because he’s never been convicted and he’s got Logans that get paid more in an hour than we make in one week. It’s never going to court.
Fraser: Because he’s rich and he’s powerful.
Ray: You were paying attention.
Fraser: It’s wrong.
Ray: And it’s very wrong but that’s the world we live in. that’s the system we live in.
Fraser: But this is a problem Ray. It shouldn’t be about a system. It should be about justice.
Ray: Yeah, in a perfect world. In a truly perfect world. And have you seen one of those around here lately Fraser? Cause I don’t Fraser. Don’t get all moody.
Ray: Frannie, what the hell is that?
Frannie: It’s my Santa Clause. I made him in art class.
Ray: You took a class to make that? [keeps going]
Frannie: [about the way Dief is looking at poodle] I wish someone would look at me like that. Hi Fraser.
Fraser: Ah. Francesca.
Frannie: how do you like the Christmas tree.
Fraser: Oh it’s very nice.
Frannie: Yeah. And the Santa?
Fraser: Very Santa like.
Frannie: I made it in art class. Did you get a name off the tree?
Fraser: I beg your pardon?
Frannie: We’re exchanging gifts at the end of the week, you know, for who evers name you get?
Fraser: Ah. [spots Tommy the one who was slapped] excuse me. Tommy.
Tommy: Why don’t you just take a gun and shoot me now.
Fraser: Well that would be homicide, Tommy and what I imagine you are suggesting is Mr. Warfield would have you killed if you filed a complaint.
Tommy: I’m not suggesting nothing about nothing. Nothing happened. I didn’t see nothing. Nobody hit me. I wasn’t even there.
Frannie: Yeah, this is his statement. [waves a blank sheet of paper]
Fraser: There were a number of witnesses that saw him strike you.
Tommy: What witnesses?
Fraser: Well unfortunately we were unable to persuade them to come in.
Tommy: I wonder why.
Fraser: I saw him strike you.
Tommy: Well you got bad eyesight as far as I’m concerned. Can I go now?
Fraser: Yes.
Warfield: [to Logan] Make sure you spell his name right [points a finger at Fraser as he passes] in the harassment suit.
Ray: He’s already named the Chicago PD, Lieutenant Welsh and me.
Warfield: Hey did I miss someone?
Welsh: Come on Warfield, you know it’s just a neucient lawsuit.
Logan: So Warfield’s been arrested four times by this department, Lieutenant , and four times he’s been exonerated by a jury of his peers. Not if that’s not a clear pattern of harassment, I don’t know what it is.
Ray: It’s a pattern of being mobbed up. He pays people off. Kills people. [Logan, Welsh, Warfield, Ray and anyone else go into office. Except Fraser, door is closed before he gets in, but he hangs around out there]
Warfield: Hey, as my lawyer, isn’t that deification of character?
Ray: Scumbag.
Warfield: How would you like your own lawsuit.
Ray: I’m sorry Mr. Scumbag.
Logan: Detective, this particular chare is too ridiculous, it’s barely worth discussing. Now maybe if you drop the charges against Mr. Warfield we could forgo the legal action.
Ray: Hey scumbag, maybe you’d like a kick in the teeth.
Welsh: Detective, you’ve got paperwork to do. [ everyone leaves, Fraser slips in] Constable please, you don’t think you’ve done enough already?
Fraser: Yes sir.
[back to Frannie’s desk]
Frannie: [on phone] Oh, yeah. I don’t I don’t think I can do that. I’ll have to let you know. Okay?
Fraser: Anything wrong Francesca?
Frannie: No, it’s uh, my art class. Next term we’re suppose to study nudes and I just really don’t think I could be in a class with anybody nude.
Fraser: You know Francesca, as beautiful and natural as the human body is I understand completely what you mean. I wonder if you could help me with some information.
Frannie: sure, what’s up?
Fraser: I need to know everything you have on Mr. Warfield. His prior arrests, his servellences, known accomplices, whether he posses in the nude-
Frannie: Was that a joke?
Fraser: Yes.
Frannie: oh that was so good Fraser.
Fraser: Thank you.
[Mr. Warfield’s Club, Warfield climbs out of car, passed the crowd and into the building]
Warfield: Let the young ladies in.
Bouncer: certainly sir.
From the crowd: Hey, hey, come on. We’ve been standing out here for hours.
Bouncer [to Fraser who just arrived] Man you are out there.
Fraser: Oh, me!
Bouncer: The outfit. I mean a lot of people do a lot of nutso stuff to get in here but that is beyond belief.
Fraser: A number of people were ahead of me. These gentlemen for example.
Bouncer: Look, you want to get in or not?
Fraser: Very well. [to the guys] I’m terribly sorry.
Bouncer: Come on.
Guy waiting: I’m out of here. Just to get in I’d like to know-
[inside the club. It’s dark, music playing, dancing, drinking]
Fraser: I’m sorry. [trying to get around someone going the other direction] I’ll go right…left…left…Thank you kindly.
Dancing patron: Well handsome, want to dance? [gives her a twirl before moving onto a pair of thugs]
Fraser: Ah gentlemen. I wonder if one of you would be so kind as to use your wireless radio frequency communication devices to let Mr. Warfield know that Constable Benton Fraser is here to see him.
Thug: You know the boss?
Fraser: We have met, yes.
Thug: Mr. Warfield, we got a guy out here in a red suit says he knows you.
Warfield: You’re kidding me. The Mountie? Nuts. Let him come in.
Fraser: Thank you kindly.
Warfield: Okay you’re in. what do you want?
Fraser: I’ve come to ask you to confess to the assault charge.
Warfield: Confess? You want me to confess?
Fraser: Yes.
Warfield: As a joke, right?
Fraser: Oh I think you’ll feel better.
Warfield: I feel fine.
Fraser: Well possibly but I think you will discover that there is a lot of truth in the old aphorism that confession is good for the soul.
Welsh: Confession is good for losers. Is this an official police visit or what?
Fraser: No, I have no jurisdiction, I’m simply trying to see that justice is done.
Warfield: So you walk in here to my place of business, you insult me to my face but you’re doing it on your own time? It that what you’re trying to tell me?
Fraser: Well I don’t see that an appeal to your sense of justice is an insult but on the balance, you’re correct.
Warfield: Get him out of here. And make sure he don’t come back.
Fraser: You will discover I don’t dissuade easily.
Warfield: Well dissuade him hard.
Thug: He’s a cop Willie.
Warfield: I know what he is.
Fraser: I think what you’re man is suggesting is that it’s uncommon to use violence on police officers.
Thug: He’s got a point. We don’t need the heat.
Warfield: Do it.
Thug: Come on. Reggie you and Johnny see this gentleman out.
[Fraser goes willingly enough, knowing they intend bodily harm, to the alley where a fight starts]
Ray: I got a better idea. Drop the gun. Chicago PD.
Fraser: I’ve been expecting you Ray.
Ray: Huh?
Fraser: Glad you came.
Ray: What were you thinking. Welsh told you to stay out of this. I told you to stay out of this. Next thing I know you’re in a punch up with a couple of Warfield’s goons.
Reggie: Goons? I ain’t no damn goon.
Fraser: I didn’t feel like I had a choice Ray.
Reggie: Actually we’re licensed security agents pal.
Johnny: I have a diploma in hospitality services. We do not appreciate being called goons.
Ray: You always have a choice Fraser.
Reggie: You could be facing a lawsuit.
Ray: You could be facing my fist if you don’t put a sock in it.
Johnny: That’s intimidation.
Ray: Yeah. I hop so. Get in the car. [to Fraser] you had a choice. You could have stayed at the Consulate, you could have stayed at the station.
Fraser: Ray, I hope to convince Mr. Warfield to do the right thing.
Ray: He’s a wise guy. He’s never done the right thing.
Fraser: Well maybe now is the time to start.

Frannie: Okay Dief, wreath. Thank you.
Welsh: Miss Vecchio, don’t you think you’re over doing it a bit?
Frannie: I’m just trying to make the place look festive sir.
Welsh: It’s a police station not a shopping mall.
Frannie. It’s only once a year.
Welsh: Thank God. More murders, more suicides, families tearing each other’s throats out. Fourth deferential between what you take in and what you take out. Fat guys in red suits.

Frank: Constable Fraser, can we talk?
Fraser: Of course. Perhaps somewhere private.
Frank: Me and Tommy have been thinking about what you said. About justice and all.
Tommy: Just thinking is all.
Frank: We do this testifying thing, we get protection?
Fraser: I’ll do everything I can to insure your safety.
Frank: What does that mean?
Fraser: I can’t pretend that this is without risks. Mr. Warfield is apparently a violent man.
Tommy: See? I told you so.
Frank: and like I told you, guys have been pushing me around my damn whole life. Don’t say nothing, you’ll lose your job. Don’t say nothing, he’ll kick your butt. Don’t say nothing. I’m an old man and I still never said nothing. You don’t want to be my age and feel like that.
Tommy: We do this I doubt I see 20.
Frank: The guys going to kill you for a slap in the face? He’s smarter than that. so maybe you better stay out of it and I’ll be a witness.
Tommy: That work?
Fraser: It will help.
Frank: Let’s get out of here.
Tommy: Hang on. We get protection right?
[Assistant States Attorney Stella Kawolski will be know as Stella]
Stella: Protection. If Constable Fraser wants to offer protection, let the RCMP supply it.
Ray: Call me old fashioned but I don’t think Yuletide is a great time to get shot and dumped in the river.
Stella: Ray, in the spirit of Christmas, drop dead.
Fraser: [walking behind them, reading a file, apparently to himself cause they aren’t listening to him] December of 1963 breaking and entering, August 1965 car theft, October 1966 assault, December 1966 robbery – every charge dropped for one reason or another. It’s not surprising Mr. Warfield thinks he’s above the law. Perhaps if someone along the way had prosecuted him he might not have become the criminal that he is today.
Welsh: It’s a little late for that.
Ray: What about the assault on Fraser. Warfield called that, can’t we make that stick?
Welsh: They say Fraser was disorderly.
Ray: Disorderly? His hair’s not even disorderly.
Fraser: Well it can sometimes stick out.
Stella. They got 12 witnesses who’ll swear he was threatening Warfield. Constable, no one gets convicted on a first time assault that doesn’t actually result in bodily harm. My God, you can almost beat someone to death in this city and not get convicted. I’m sorry.

Frank: You get our protection?
Fraser: In a manner of speaking. Shall we?
Tommy: You better have our protection. [Warfield passes and cocks a finger at Tommy]
Fraser: It’s just a finger son. It’s not loaded.

Fraser: Here we are.
Frank: This is the safe house?
Fraser: Couldn’t be safer. I also have several bedrolls here.
Tommy: I thought we’d get a nice hotel room. Maybe a nice looking police woman to look after us.
Fraser: Well here comes one now.
Thatcher: [carrying two glasses of Christmas cheer] I thought perhaps a little seasonal…
[ Frank snags one, Tommy the other]
Frank: Don’t mind if I do. Cheer.
Thatcher: What are you doing bringing homeless people here. It’s Christmas for God’s sake.
Fraser: I realize that but these friends of mine are well they’re needy. I thought with your permission they could stay with us for a couple of days.
Thatcher: This is a Canadian Consulate, not a homeless shelter.
Fraser: I understand that. suffice to say there are issues of justice and individual liberty at play here. And it is Christmas.
Thatcher: My point exactly. I’ll leave this to you. So far, but tomorrow you, Turnbull and I shall sit down and discuss the decorations for the Consulate. What color bulbs to sue. The tinsel – I found some fabulous gold ribbon for the tree. And of course spirit of giving, peace on Earth, blah, blah, blah.
Frank: We’re going to sleep here?
Fraser: Yes.
Frank: No offense but I’m getting a little too old to sleep on the floor.
Fraser: Well I’m uh, I’m not actually sure that’s a good idea. [distracted by the music coming from the closet]
Frank: Dog snore?
Fraser: No. Well yes. Well you do. You know perhaps you gentlemen could take him for a couple of laps in the hallway. We tend to sleep much more soundly after a little exercise. Uh, Dief. [they go to the hall, Fraser into the closet]
Fraser: Dad, I have guests.
Robert: Well pardon us for living.
Fraser: What’s going on here?
Robert: The group are making some gifts for the orphans. Brightening up their Christmas.
Fraser: You have orphans in the afterworld?
Robert: Well not really. They’re just kind of lost. The group of six have always been known for their charity.
Fraser: Dad, there was a group of seven.
Robert: No, not in our group. Always six except for that one time we let in Rene Theobolt, but he got into the turfs. So what are you hoping to get these wisemen to do?
Fraser: Their duty.
Robert: Theirs or yours? You know son, not everyone thinks the way you think. Not everyone has your dedication. Your commitment. Your, well frankly, your rigidity.
Fraser: I’m only doing what you taught me.
Robert: Well I learned a few things since I died.
Fraser: Such as?
Robert: Well, I wish I’d spent more Christmas’ with you. And the branch that cannot bend, must break.
Fraser: Are you saying I should give up on this?
Robert: No, of course not. Some trails are solitary and must be taken alone. [knocking] That will be for you.
[door opens]
Tommy: You okay.
Fraser: Yeah. Yeah. I just can’t seem to locate those darn Hudson blankets. [Tommy points to shelf above Fraser where they are in plain sight] Oh, Eagle eyes son.
Tommy: Turnbull said to give you this.
Fraser: Ah, very good. [checking where it was posted from] Oh, the Yukon. Marvelous. [It’s a log] Where’s Frank?
Tommy: He went home. He said there was no way he could sleep on the floor. He said not to worry.
Fraser: Turnbull! Do you have Frank’s address?
Tommy: Sure, um, 141 Wilson Ave.
Turnbull: Sir?
Fff: You’re our of uniform Turnbull. [has on cowboy hat]
Turnbull: Yes I am. I was upstairs listening to my Clint Black Christmas album getting in the festive mood. If that’s alright.
Fraser: I see. Lock up after I go. Don’t let anyone in until I return. Guard this man with your life.
Turnbull: Trouble sir?
Fraser: Of a kind.
Turnbull: Troubles my middle name.
Fraser: Right. Well Tommy, you’re in good uh, well, you’re in hands.
Turnbull: Sir! [then to Tommy] You look like a natural baritone. Do you know the words to Santa Drives a Pickup? [launches into it]
[if you didn’t know, Dean McDermott wrote it, Paul Gross and David Keeley recorded it. You can hear Turnbull singing it by going to: http://geocities.com/westracine01/Tape-lostmusic.htm ]

[Frank walking down middle of road, car following him]
Fraser: [to Frank] You’ll be alright. [to car] Gentlemen, I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to stop.
Guy in car: Stop this. [honks before turning around]
Frank: I can’t do this. I can’t.
Fraser: I understand.
Frank: I’m no hero. I’m sorry.
Fraser: That’s alright. I’ll walk you home.

[Consulate, next morning. Fraser is carving a…bear? Humming Santa Drives a Pickup. Tommy wakes up, Dief is sitting next to him, watching him]
Fraser: Good morning. Sleep well?
Tommy: The dog snores like Mike Ditko with a sinus condition.
Fraser: Yes, I know.
Tommy: Did you fink Frank?
Fraser: Yes.
Tommy: Where is he?
Fraser: He said he had a sister in Wakigan. I believe he’s staying with her.
Tommy: He split?
Fraser: I’m afraid so.

Dewey: What name did you get?
Fraser: I don’t follow.
Dewey: From the tree. Who did you draw? Who do you have to buy for?
Fraser: I believe it is Ray.
Dewey: Perfect. Let’s trade.
Fraser: Trade?
Dewey: Yeah, I got Welsh and I can’t buy for the Lieutenant because I work for him. If I buy small I’m a miser. If I buy big. I’m kissing up to him. It’s a lose-lose. Office politics.
Robert: Not good on Christmas Eve. Give me a wide open vista with a starry sky and a good dog sled.
Fraser: [talking to his dad, but Dewey thinks it’s to him] And what about me and mother?
Dewey: Well get her some cases of hairspray. Listen, you see Ray, on the other hand is no threat to me. He has nothing so he’s easy to buy for. But the Lieutenant. You don’t work for him, you can do whatever you want. It’s win-win. Thanks.
Fraser: Very well.

Fraser: What are you doing.
Robert: I was just wondering if my name was on the list here.
Fraser: I think that unlikely sense you are dead.
Robert: Ha! Back in ’65 when I was heading a detachment up in Reliance, wasn’t much of a detachment really, just me and Delbert Foxworth, well, Norbert Weatherway got in the sauce. Went on a tear. I sent Foxworth out to bring Norbert Weatherway in. he came back empty handed. A couple days later I found out Weatherway was married to Foxworth’s half sister, Etta.
Fraser: I don’t mean to interrupt but does this story have a moral?
Robert: Oh yeah. Sometimes ya have to do it yourself. That’s the moral.

Fraser: Francesca.
Frannie: Hi Fraser. Mistletoe.
Fraser: So it is. Right. Right. [deer in headlight look just before he runs off. Dad kisses her on cheek, she brushes cheek with hand, like maybe a spider web tickled her.

Warfield: Ya got brass ones, I’ll give you that.
Fraser: Oh yes. Yes I do. They take a lot of work to keep polished.
Warfield: I hear the charges against me have been dropped again.
Fraser: I anticipated that.
Warfield: Good. You come to apologize?
Fraser: No sir. I came to ask you to reconsider your confession.
Warfield: I had a guy like you work for me once. Bruno Heltz. Big Dutch guy. He got drunk one night. Stood on the track, tried to star down the 3:10 to Skokie. They had to pick him up with a shovel.
Fraser: Sir you hurt an innocent man. I can’t let that go. So I will continue to gather evidence. In the meantime, it’s come to my attention that you engaged in a variety of activities that may not flourish with an officer of the law present.
Warfield: Is that a threat?
Fraser: No, merely stating the obvious.
Warfield: Well let me suggest something even more obvious. One good whack in the head with a hammer, you ain’t dead. There’ll be days when you wish you were.
Fraser: Oh. Would that be a ballpeen or a claw hammer? Sir. [said to tick him off and it does]
Warfield: That would be a big hammer.
Fraser: I see.

Warfield: Come in. what?
Thug: Eddie just called from his car. He wants to meet somewhere else.
Warfield: What, somewhere else? We got to have a sit-down me and Eddie. Where else we gonna do it?
Thug: Eddie won’t come inside with that Mountie out front.
[Warfield makes a noise like a grrrr and sigh mixed]

[outside, walking]
Eddie: I want to freeze my big ones Willie I go to the Bears game.
Warfield: I could use the fresh air. I been cooped up all day.
Eddie: You been picked up by cops, you been downtown a couple times.
Warfield: Nothing to worry about.
Eddie: A couple of times don’t sound like nothing to me. The boys are wondering what’s gong on.
Warfield: Boys can mind their own business. That ain’t what we got to talk about. What we got to talk about is Vinnie the Hole. Ever since he started running the east side our takes down 30%.
Eddie: I got no problem with Vinnie. What I got a problem with is that funny looking cop that’s been hassling you.
Warfield: He’s nothing. He’s a joke.
Eddie: I better start laughing. [get in car] Let’s get out of here.

Warfield: You’re a lawyer, file suit or something.
Logan: He’s on a public street.
Warfield: He’s harassing me.
Logan: He’s just standing there Willie.
Warfield: Interfering with the conduct of my business.
Logan: I think we shouldn’t open up that area.
Warfield: What the hell. I’m suppose to let him stand there? I got people I got to talk to.
Logan: Suppose the telephones out of the question.
Warfield: Can’t do business on the phone.
Logan: Look Willie this is really difficult to explain in a courtroom.
Marty: I got an idea. Cop a plea to it. It’s nothing.
Warfield: What?
Marty: The worst you can get, the absolute worse is a fine. So do it, get it over with, loose the Mountie and get back to work.
Logan: Marty’s actually making sense, Willie, the money you pay me, I should have thought of it.
Warfield: Willie Warfield don’t cop to nothing. Nothing. Never, never, never. Do you understand me?
Logan: Come on Willie, this is crazy. You know I heard you had him attached. You do that and you’re making yourself really difficult for me to protect.
Marty: Logan’s right Willie and other guys feel the same way.
Warfield: What the hell? You two developing some kind of backbone all of a sudden or what?
Marty: You’re suppose to be running a business here. Now why don’t you just – [Warfield slaps him]
Warfield: What do I pay you two bastards for? Now you get him out of there now.

Fraser: You know you really have to stop complaining. You’ve been on stakeouts before, you know what they’re like. [Dief answers him] yes I know you’d rather be with her but it’s sort of a cliché don’t you think? I mean, wolf meets poodle, poodle hooks wolf, wolf liquidates his assets. It can only end in tears. [Ray pulls up] Afternoon Ray.
Ray: Fraser, Welsh got a call from the chief. Chief got a call from downtown. Warfield’s lawyers say they want you out of here.
Fraser: I see.
Ray: You know me and the system are like this [miles apart motion] Fraser but this time you’re wrong. They’re right.
Fraser: I don’t think I am wrong Ray. We both saw him assault that man.
Ray: Look, even by some miracle Warfield were to cop to the plea, he’s going to get a slap on the wrist.
Fraser: Justice will have been done.
Ray: Justice? How is that justice. That man is a killer. He’s going to get a $50 fine. Look, don’t do this to me. This makes his harassment crap look legit. Look, what if we get a real beef on him. You know and Warfield’s lawyer gets involved, this could screw the whole thing.
Fraser: Ray just think about two good men. One who should be accorded something his age. One little more than a boy. They are frightened. They’re frightened and ashamed and they have good reason to be frightened. They don’t think they can stand up to the Warfield’s of this world. Well I can and I will.
Ray: Fraser, get in the car.
Fraser: I’m sorry Ray.
Ray: Look Fraser, I am a cop and I am ordering you to get into that car.
Fraser: Are you arresting me?
Ray: Yes.
Fraser: On what charge?
Ray: Look, I don’t want to be forced to use force upon you.
Fraser: No, you won’t.
Ray: You’re right.
Fraser: I know. Listen, could you do me a favor and uh, do you mind dropping Diefenbaker off at the Consulate on your way back to the station? He seems to find this sort of boring.
Ray: Look, you know what you are? You’re selfish. You’re selfish. You get something stuck in your head, you won’t let it go however hard it is on others. You’re even boring your dog.
Fraser: He isn’t bored. He’s in love.
Ray: Ha. Dogs have all the fun, huh? Ha.
Fraser: Look Christmas brings out the worst in people.
Ray: Hmmmm.
Fraser: Drive safely. [whistling and waving goodbye to Dief]
[voice from alley: Help. Somebody help me. Fraser runs to the rescue only to find himself surrounded by Warfield’s thugs]
Fraser: I assume Mr. Warfield is unhappy with my presence here.
Thug: Let’s just say you pissed off the wrong guy.
[Fraser is beaten up to the tune of ‘It came upon a Midnight Clear’. Afterwards, he staggers back to the front of the club]
Bouncer: Good evening Mr. Warfield.
Warfield: See? There’s only one law that counts. Only one rule. Hardest guy wins. Until you get that straight you’re just a looser.
Fraser: Understood.

[Frannie is still playing with the tree and singing Jingle Bells. Puts a wreath on Dief]
Frannie: How cute you look in this. Oh yes you’re so cute. [turns to see Fraser being helped in by Ray]Oh my God.
Dewey: What happened?
Ray: I don’t know. Got a call from one of the bouncers at Warfield’s Club.
Huey: Shouldn’t he be at the hospital?
Ray: Wouldn’t go.
Frannie: God Fraser, does it hurt?
Fraser: No, it’s fine Francesca.
Frannie: [administering to his cuts] Well maybe you should take off your shirt.
Ray: Frannie!
Frannie: Well he could have internal injuries.
Huey: If it’s internal you can’t see them.
Frannie: Yeah, I know. I could palpitate them.
Fraser: Do you mean palpate?
Frannie: Yeah, you know, feel around a little.
Ray: Personally I think he’s suffered enough.
Welsh: Are you feeling better Constable?
Fraser: Uh, much better, thank you sir. Thanks to Francesca’s excellent care.
Welsh: Good, good. I’ve told Miss Kowalski the story so –
Ray: We’re going to nail him?
Stella: Unfortunately there’s nothing to tie the attack on Constable Fraser to Mr. Warfield.
Ray: He was attacked right outside Warfield’s Club.
Stella: Lincoln got shot in the Ford Theater didn’t mean Mr. Ford did it.
Ray: Was Ford mobbed up?
Welsh: Can you identify the attackers?
Fraser: No they were all wearing masks.
Ray: Look we all know they were Warfield’s men.
Stella: Knowing something and proving it are two different things.
Ray: How about we just go roust them up anyway.
Stella: More harassment? Forget it Ray.
Ray: Stella, I was thinking if you had sometime we could have some eggnog, maybe trim the tree.
Stella: Yeah and I can shoot moonbeams out my –
Welsh: Miss Kowalski, thank you.
Ray: She was never that big on Christmas. Or me for that matter.
Welsh: Constable, I’m afraid we haven’t been of much help to you on this one.
Fraser: I’ve come to believe I have unrealistic expectations.
Ray: A little impractical maybe but –
Fraser: No Ray, you were right. You can’t beat the system.
Ray: Let me give you a ride home.
Fraser: No, I think I’ll walk. A walk will do me good.
Frannie: Fraser, hey. Take it easy, okay?
Fraser: Understood.
Fraser: That was selfish, I know. I put my feelings above everybody else’s. Dad? Oh you’re ignoring me now, that’s great. That’s great. [dad wasn’t ignoring he was singing with carolers on the street. Joins Fraser] On, hi. You think I’m being selfish and single minded? Robert: Oh you’re more than that son. You’re obsessive, overbearing, impossibly arrogant.
Fraser: Well that’s a lot dad. That makes me feel a whole lot better.
Robert: But you’ve been right. [goes back to sing with the carolers]
[Ray pulls up beside Fraser]
Ray: Hey Fraser.
Fraser: You know Ray I really rather walk.
Ray: Well you can walk all you want Fraser but there's something I want to tell ya. And it’s not the easiest thing for me to say but, I’m proud of you.
Fraser: You are?
Ray: Yeah, you’ve been right about this thing all along.
Fraser: I have?
Welsh: [in back seat] Yes you have Constable. We’ve just been too hung up on all this beaurocratic crap to give you the help you needed.
Fraser: No sir, I understand you have to contend with practicalities.
Welsh: To hell with them. Hope in.
Fraser: Well I’m – [add stubborn to Robert list?]
Ray: Ride shot gun.
Fraser: Okay.

Bouncer: Nah, Nah, Nah. Forget it. No way you guys getting back in here again.
Welsh: He’s with us.
[inside club]
Ray: [to drinking girl] Got some I.D.?
Girl: What?
Ray: You got some I.D.?
Girl: What?
Ray: I.D.?
Girl: Oh, are we going to play Cops and Robbers?
Ray: Nah. Just cops. You better be over 21.
[Huey looking at bar area, people are openly using drugs]
Welsh: Welcome shoe salesmen of America. I see you’ve come to sample some of our local delicacies. I haven’t seen these women together since I worked south side vice. Hey, nothing but snappy patter. Cut the music, cut the music.

Warfield: Get Eddie in here tomorrow.
Marty: I don’t think he’s coming.
Warfield: Why the hell not?
Marty: I hear he’s got something going with Vinnie the Hole.
Warfield: He got something going with Vinnie he’s dead.
Marty: What it is Mr. Warfield, is you got to stay on top of things cause they’re like sharks out there and they’re smelling blood in the water.
Warfield: I’m starting to smell you Marty. [phone rings] What?
Thug: Yo boss, we got cops out here. They got-
Warfield: [storming out of his office] I’ll have all your badges for this!
Dewey: Nobodies harassing you. We’re cleaning out the riff raff hanging out in your club.
Huey: Kinda doing you a favor.
Warfield: Screw you!
Dewey: We can come back here tomorrow and the night after and the night-
Warfield: Not after my lawyers are finished with you.
Welsh: That could take some time. That would be very bad for business.
Ray: You got a lot of places that we can visit. Think about it.
Warfield: Well maybe you don’t walk out of here tonight.
Ray: You really want to try that? Cuz we’re good to go.
Fraser: You’ve abused the system long enough Mr. Warfield. You distorted the law and turned it against it’s own interest. You’ve used tricks and force and bullying and it’s worked.
Warfield: Ohhhhh [more a groan/sneer]
Fraser: Eventually good people do stand up.
Dewey: Yeah Fraser, right on.
Welsh: So what’s it gonna be Warfield?
Warfield: Do em.
Marty: Mr. Warfield, they’re cops.
Warfield: I said do em.
Marty: No.
Warfield: Hahaha. No huh? Alright. So what? What do you want from me?
Fraser: You know what I want. [camera refocuses from Fraser to Tommy who is standing in the background]
Warfield: [singsong voice] I’m sorry I slapped the kid.
Fraser: thank you kindly. Merry Christmas.

[27th, Fraser carries in an armload of presents]
Ray: Fraser, who’s name did you get for the gift thing?
Fraser: Uh as of this moment I’ve got Lt. Welsh.
Ray: Perfect. I got Francesca. Trade me.
Fraser: Why?
Ray: With Francesca it’s always to heavy. Either she’ll love what I get her or she’ll hate it. Either way, emotional contact. Who needs that? I got this box of Cuban cigars, lt. will love them.
Fraser: Very well. Right pocket.
Welsh: How are you feeling Constable?
Fraser: Much better Thank you kindly sir.
Frannie: Oh good, everybody’s here. Okay, in the spirit of Christmas, you keep your meat hooks off the gifts till I call your name.
Fraser: Oh dear.
Turnbull: Ho HO HO!
Fraser: Excuse me for one second. I need to have a word with Santa.
Frannie: Sure. [phone rings] Squadroom. Yeah, just a minute. It’s for you.
Welsh: Hello?
Turnbull: Fraser, It’s me, Turnbull.
Fraser: Oh, Turnbull I took you for Santa.
Turnbull: Understandable. I know how busy you’ve been lately sir. So I took the liberty of bringing your work in progress.
Fraser: Oh dear.
Turnbull: Problem sir?
Fraser: Yes. When this was meant for Ray, it was to be an Elk. When it was for Lt. Welsh, it was to be a grizzly bear. Now it’s for Francesca.
Turnbull: Fret not sir. [pulls out a 4x4x6 inch piece of wood] Yukon heart of pine.
Fraser: Good thinking.
Turnbull: Your accruements.
[Fraser takes both knives, chips flying all over the place, a look of concentration on his face]
Welsh: Well it seems Warfield was letting things slide at the office lately. When it was out that he was in jail some of his associates decided they’d be better off without him.
Ray: So they ratted him out.
Welsh: Right. Organized crime was waiting when he made bail. He was mad and he was talking. A lot of guys are going away for a longtime.
Tommy: It’s true. He’s really going to jail.
Fraser: Yes, he is.
Frank: You okay?
Fraser: I’m fine.
Frank: I let you down sorry.
Fraser: No, you didn’t let me down. You did what you could do, that’s all anyone can ask.
Frannie: Alright, it’s present time. [Dief and poodle have a sock full of goodies]
Fraser: I made it myself out of wood.
Frannie: WOW. Hey this is Geroldo the guy that delivers water at my mothers?
Frank: It’s Michealangelo. For 400 years he’s been considered the most perfect nude.
Frannie: WOW. it’s beautiful. I love it. Thanks Frase. [tries and fails to find a spot on his face to kiss]
[singing in background ‘Silent Night’]
Thatcher: It’s a sword.
Fraser: I sword. I see.
Dewey: Well, calling Dr. Freud.
Thatcher: Purely ceremonial. You don’t have to use it.
Fraser: I see. It’s very nice.
[Welsh inhaling the aroma of his gift … so is Robert]
Robert: Cubans. Can’t get those in Heaven.
Fraser: [to dad, but Welsh thinks it’s to him] And they’re illegal in the United States.
Welsh: Come one Constable, lighten up. It’s Christmas.
[laughter. Ray got a ray gun from Dewey]
Ray: Already got one of these.
Dewey: Get out!
Ray: Merry Christmas [hugs Dewey]
Dewey: Alright. It’s okay.
Ray: You mind if I uh- donate it?
Dewey: Yeah, yeah.
Turnbull [with the gun] Ha ha, cool. Semi automatic. Yep. No permit. Hit the deck. Assassin Santa coming thru.
Welsh: Here we go [passes out glasses of cheer]
Fraser: No thank you sir.
Frannie: Hey, who wants to make a toast.
Welsh: I got to toast! Toast!
Dewey: Bottoms up.
Frannie: How about you Fraser, you want to make a toast?
Fraser: Alright. Ahem. Christmas is more than just a religious holiday. It is a time that has come to have special meaning for people of many different faiths, or lack of them. My own Christmas’s I remember with a great fondness and a certain sense of horror. We always had arctic terns instead of Christmas turkey or see a buck fern bush instead of an evergreen. Search and rescue flares instead of Christmas lights and I’ve learned to forgive all of that. most of all Christmas is about forgiveness. Merry Christmas everybody.
Everybody: Merry Christmas.

Frannie: Hey! What is this? [one more present under the tree] Fraser, it’s for you.
Fraser: For me?
Frannie: Yeah.
[opens it]
Ray: What is it?
Fraser: It’s my family. [framed photo]
Robert: Merry Christmas son.
Fraser: Merry Christmas Dad.
[song ends with [‘sleep in heavenly peace’]



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