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.. Episode Guide - Episode 15 ..

Original Name: The Wild Bunch
Czech Name: Divoká smečka
Written By: Kathy Slevin, Jeff KIng
Directed By: Richard Lewis
Original Air Date: February 16, 1995 (Canada); February 16, 1995 (USA)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Diefenbaker, Fraser's faithful wolf, is arrested for biting an animal control officer and is ordered by the court to be destroyed. Stunned by the gentle wolf's strange behaviour, Fraser must discover the reason behind it before the sentence can be carried out.

In spite of Diefenbaker's latest escapades with the Wild Bunch, a pack of stray mutts who are wreaking havoc in the neighbourhood, Fraser entrusts him into the hands of young Willie (the reformed pickpocket from our first episode.) Willie proves something of a pushover, and Diefenbaker escapes his supervision for a romantic rendezvous with Maggie, an attractive husky. Maggie is captured by Officer Benedict, a crooked dog catcher who is lining his pockets by selling neighbourhood dogs to research labs. Diefenbaker can't help but lose control and bite Benedict. Diefenbaker is "arrested" and sentenced to be euthanized.

Despite Willie and Ray's insistence, Fraser refuses to use any means other than those prescribed by the law to free Diefenbaker. He takes to the streets, desperately searching for clues to the wolf's unusual actions. Fraser learns that his neighbours believe Diefenbaker to be the leader of the Wild Bunch. He also learns that Diefenbaker is blamed for the recent disappearance of several area pets, including Maggie. The only conclusion Fraser can draw is that his beloved Diefenbaker has returned to his wild state. Willie, determined to save Diefenbaker, sets out to free him from wolf prison and release him into the wilds of Canada. Fearing for Willie's safety, Fraser sets off after them -- fully prepared to destroy Diefenbaker himself rather than leave it in the hands of the authorities.

As Fraser deals with what looks like the certain loss of his wolf, Ray deals with his own personal loss - his beloved Buick Riviera. The tragedy becomes even more demoralising when Ray is forced to drive a motorpool junker.

<<< Episode 14 - Muž, který věděl příliš málo (The Man Who Knew Too Little)
Episode 16 - Modrá čára (The Blue Line) >>>


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