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.. Episode Guide - Episode 16 ..

Original Name: The Blue Line
Czech Name: Modrá čára
Written By: David Shore
Directed By: George Bloomfield
Original Air Date: March 8, 1995 (Canada); March 8, 1995 (USA)
Credits .. Photos .. Audio .. Video .. Music .. Transcript .. DivX Subtitles

Fraser's childhood friend, now a famous hockey player, receives death threats. Fraser steps in to protect the self-absorbed sports star and to try and resolve the mess he's made of his life.

Diefenbaker's determination to get an autograph from hockey star Mark Smithbauer lands Fraser and Ray right in the middle of a liquor store shoot out. Ray, along with Huey and Gardino, is ready to dismiss the hold-up as just another garden variety robbery. Smithbauer and his lovely P.R. woman feel differently. They insist that the robbery was a cover for an attempt on Mark's life. In spite of the fact that his childhood hockey buddy doesn't even deign to remember him, Fraser realises that Smithbauer is indeed in jeopardy. Threatening fan mail lends credence to the theory, and Fraser agrees to help protect the hockey star.

As Fraser and Ray track down the source of the fan mail, Fraser discovers that fame has changed Mark Smithbauer. A man who once loved the game now only loves what the game can give him: money. Just as Fraser and Ray take the deranged fan into custody, they discover that there's someone far more dangerous out to get Smithbauer. It turns out that he has not only disappointed his fans, but also a bookie, Broda, who paid Smithbauer to throw a game. Broda and his murderous thugs corner Fraser and Smithbauer outside Chicago Memorial Arena. Fraser and Smithbauer's lives hang in the balance as Broda and his boys pursue them in a wild skates vs. cars chase through the icy streets of Chicago.

<<< Episode 15 - Divoká smečka (The Wild Bunch)
Episode 17 - Dohoda (The Deal) >>>


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